In a world that often tells us to prioritize everyone else before our own self, it’s crucial to recognize the intrinsic value we as women hold and how important it is to start putting ourselves first. Too often, we neglect our own needs, aspirations, and desires, sacrificing our well-being for the sake of others. However, it’s time to shift this narrative and embrace the notion that women are inherently worthy and deserving of prioritizing our own happiness and fulfillment.
Over at the Work Wives, Anna and myself have been focussing on self-growth, and a big part of our learning is unlearning how we prioritise ourselves. It’s not easy to do because as women we naturally put ourselves at the bottom of the ladder, but today I’m here to tell you that once you give yourself the compassion to come first, everything and everyone else naturally falls into place. Newsflash -the world will not fall apart if you take care of you, in fact everyone around you will thrive when you do.

Here’s why every woman should make herself a priority.
1. You are Worthy:
First and foremost, it’s essential to recognize that your worth is not contingent upon external validation or societal standards. You are valuable, simply by virtue of being yourself. Your worth is not determined by your accomplishments, appearance, or relationships. Embracing this truth allows you to acknowledge your intrinsic value and treat yourself with the love, respect, and compassion you deser
2. Self-Care is Not Selfish:
Contrary to popular belief, prioritizing self-care and putting yourself first is not selfish; it’s necessary for your overall well-being. Just like you would prioritize the maintenance of a car or a house, you must prioritize your own physical, mental, and emotional health. Self-care isn’t indulgent; it’s essential for recharging your batteries, reducing stress, and nurturing your overall happiness and fulfillment.

3. You Set the Standard for How Others Treat You:
When you prioritize yourself, you set a powerful example for how others should treat you. By establishing healthy boundaries, practicing self-respect, and refusing to settle for anything less than you deserve, you create a foundation for healthy relationships and interactions. Remember that you teach others how to treat you by how you treat yourself.
4. Fulfillment Comes from Within:
While external achievements and relationships can bring temporary happiness, true fulfillment comes from within. When you prioritize your own goals, passions, and dreams, you cultivate a sense of purpose and satisfaction that cannot be found elsewhere. By investing in yourself and pursuing your own aspirations, you create a life that is authentically yours and reflects your true essence.

5. You Cannot Pour from an Empty Cup:
You cannot effectively care for others if you neglect your own needs. Just like a cup that is empty cannot provide nourishment, you cannot give your best to others if you are depleted and exhausted. Prioritizing yourself allows you to replenish your energy, cultivate resilience, and show up as the best version of yourself for those you care about.
Every woman deserves to prioritize herself and put her needs first. By recognizing your worth, embracing self-care, setting healthy boundaries, cultivating fulfillment from within, and understanding the importance of filling your own cup, you can create a life that honors your true essence and brings you joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment.
Remember, you are worth it, and it’s time to start treating yourself accordingly. I hope this gave you the little reminder that you are a magical, sparkly, glittery unicorn and you are imperfectly perfect just the way you are. Do something wonderful for yourself today and make sure you continue to set your own soul on fire, by doing so the people around you will lift too. Sarah xxx
And if you’d like to put yourself first, I cannot recommend coming along to Bali with us for our Women’s Retreats. Details in the menu at the top of this page, under “Retreats”.